Journaux à comité de lecture (Rang A) :
[38] Lescarmontier, L.,P. Tregoning, S. McClusky, A. Purcell, B. Kallenberg. Simulatenous inversion of Geophysic data : application to Antarctica mass balance evaluation. In prep.
[37] Lescarmontier, L., P. Tregoning, S. McClusky, A. Purcell, A. Dehecq. Separating hydrological and glacial isostatic adjustment signals : a simulation of GRACE, GPS and ocean bottom pressure observations. In prep.
[36] Lescarmontier, L.,B. Legresy, L. Testut, C. Mayet, R. Coleman, N. Young, P. Lacroix. Rifting processes on the Mertz glacier. Journal of Glaciology. DOI :10.3189/2015JoG15J028.
[35] Massom, R.A., A.B. Giles, R.C. Warner, B. Legresy, H.A. Fricker, G. Hyland, L. Lescarmontier, N. Young. Impact of external factors on the Mertz Glacier Tongue, East Antarctica, prior to its 2010 calving. Journal of Geophysical Research. DOI :10.1002/2014JF003223.
[34] Barruol, G., E. Cordier, J. Bascou, F. R. Fontaine, B. Legresy, L. Lescarmontier. 2013. Tide-induced micro- seismicity in the Mertz glacier area, East Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters. http://onlinelibrary.wiley. com/doi/10.1002/2013GL057814/full
[33] C. Mayet, L. Testut, B. Legresy, L. Lescarmontier. Impact of the tides on the calving of Mertz Glacier, East Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research.
[32] Lescarmontier, L., 2012. Etude des processus de fracturation, de déformation et de vêlage d’iceberg en An- tarctique : une histoire du glacier Mertz. Doctorat thesis, Toulouse, 248 pp. [31] Lescarmontier, L.,B. Legresy, F. Perosanz, R. Coleman. 2012. Vibrations of the Mertz ice tongue. Journal of Glaciology.
Communication Scientifique (*Invitée) :
[31] L. Lescarmontier*, B. Legresy, P. Tregoning, R. Coleman. 2016. Analyse de signaux petite et grande échelle en Antarctique. Séminaire LPG. 15 Janvier. Nantes, France.
[30] L. Lescarmontier, B. Legresy, P. Tregoning, R. Coleman. 2016. Analyse de signaux petite et grande échelle en Antarctique. Séminaire LPG. 15 Janvier. Nantes, France.
[29] L. Lescarmontier, B. Legresy, P. Tregoning, R. Coleman, N. Young, S. McClusky, C. Mayet, L. Testut, P. Lacroix. 2016. De ľiceberg à la calotte : revue de ľutilisation de données géophysiques pour ľanalyse des signaux petite et grande échelle en Antarctique. Séminaire LGGE. 02 Janvier. Grenoble, France.
[28] B. Kallenberg, L. Lescarmontier, P. Tregoning, A. Purcell. 2014. A new Approach to Combine GRACE and ICESat Observations to Estimate Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in East Antarctica. AGU Fall meeting. 15-19 Décembre 2014. San-Francisco, USA.
[27] B. Legresy, L. Lescarmontier. 2014. The Mertz glacier calving activity challenges to calving models. SCAR mee- ting. 25-28 Aout. Auckland, Nouvelle-Zélande.
[26] L. Lescarmontier, P. Tregoning, S. McClusky, A. Purcell, A. Dehecq. 2014. Simultaneous inversion of Geophysic data. Australian Geodesy Research Meeting. 1-3 Juillet. Canberra, Australie.
[25] P. Tregoning, S. McClusky, A. Purcell, L. Lescarmontier. 2014. Why did we ever think that writing our own GRACE software was a good idea ? Australian Geodesy Research Meeting. 1-3 Juillet. Canberra, Australie.
[24] P. Tregoning, S. McClusky, A. Purcell, L. Lescarmontier. 2013. Innovative analysis constraints in the ANU GRACE mascon solutions. AGU fall meeting. 6-9 Décembre. San-Francisco. USA .
[23] G. Barruol, E. Cordier, J. Bascou, F.R. Fontaine, B. Legresy, L. Lescarmontier. 2013. Tides-modulated Icequakes in the Mertz Glacier grounding area, East Antarctica. AGU fall meeting. 6-9 Décembre. San-Francisco, USA.
[22] B. Legresy, B. Galton-Fenzi, L. Lescarmontier, E. Cougnon, C. Mayet, L. Testut, N. Young, R. Massom, R. Warner and R. Coleman. 2013. Dynamics of the Mertz Glacier and its ice tongue, East Antarctica implications of its calving and changes at various time scales. IGS conference, Beijing, China.
[21] R. A. Massom, A.B. Giles, R.C. Warner, B. Legresy, H.A. Fricker, G. Hyland, L. Lescarmontier, N. Young. 2013. Impact of external factors on changing dynamics of Mertz Glacier Tongue prior to 2010 calving. Strategic Science in Antarctica. Hobart, Australie.
[20] G. Barruol, E. Cordier, J. Bascou, F. R. Fontaine, B. Legresy, L. Lescarmontier. 2013. Micro-Sismicité Induite Par La Marée Dans La Région Du Glacier Mertz, Terre Adélie, Est-Antarctique. Journée REFMAR, 17-21 Juin 2013, Paris, France.
[19] Invitation to the CLIVAR conference (Variability and predictability of the ocean-atmosphere system). Hobart, Tasmanie, Australie.
[18]* Lescarmontier, L.. 2012. Etude des processus de fracturation, déformation et vêlage d’icebergs en Antarctique : Une histoire du glacier Mertz. Soutenance de these. 02 Mars 2012, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse, France.
[17] Sultan, E., M.N. Houssais, B. Legresy, L. Lescarmontier, M. Beauverger, H. Legoff. 2012. Icebergs profiling by combination of satellite and ADCP data. SCAR meeting. 16-19 July. Portland, Oregon. USA.
[16]* Lescarmontier, L., B. Legresy, B. Galton-Fenzi. L. Testut, C. Mayet, R. Coleman, N. Young. 2011. Follo- wing the evolution of the Mertz glacier : from rifting to calving. IGS-FRISP presentation. San Diego, USA.
[15] Legresy, B., L. Lescarmontier, N. Young, R. Coleman, C. Mayet, B. Galton-Fenzi, L. Testut, E. Cougnon, J. Greenbaum, D. Young, D. Blankenship, R. Massom, B. Giles, R. Warner. 2011. Dynamics and calving of the Mertz Glacier and its ice tongue, East Antarctica. IUGG presentation. Melbourne, Australie.
[14]* Lescarmontier, L., B. Legresy, F. Perosanz, F. Mercier, S. Loyer, R. 2011. GPS integer PPP to investigate Mertz ice tongue movement. IUGG presentation. Melbourne, Australie.
[13]* Lescarmontier, L., B. Legresy, R. Coleman, L. Testut, C. Mayet, N. Young, F. Perosanz. 2011. Dynamics of the Mertz glacier. Rifting and calving processes induced by atmosphere-ocean interaction. Ace-CRC presentation. Hobart, Tasmanie, Australie.
[12]* Lescarmontier, L., B. Legresy, R. Coleman, L. Testut, C. Mayet, N. Young, F. Perosanz. 2010. Dynamics of the Mertz glacier. Vibration, rifting and calving processes on the Mertz glacier ice tongue. Ace-CRC presentation. Hobart, Autralie.
[11]* Lescarmontier, L.,B. Legresy, R. Coleman, L. Testut, C. Mayet, N. Young. 2010. Etude d’un glacier émissaire : l’exemple du glacier Mertz.School teachers courses. OMP, Toulouse, France.
[10] Perosanz, F., F. Fund, V. Rude, F. Mercier, S. Loyer, L. Lescarmontier. 2010. Spurious signals analysis in high frequency PPP solutions. IGS poster. Newcastle, UK.
[9]* Lescarmontier, L.,B. Legresy, R. Coleman, C. Mayet, N. Young, L. Testut. 2010. Tidal rifting of the Mertz glacier tongue. FRISP workshop. Bremerhaven, Allemagne.
[8] Lescarmontier L., B. Legresy, R. Coleman, N. Young, L. Testut. 2010. Annual to sub- hourly scale movement of the Mertz glacier ice-tongue. Interaction with the ocean. IPY presentation. Oslo, Norvege.
[7]* Lescarmontier, L., B. Legresy, R. Coleman, N. Young, F. Perosanz, L. Testut. 2010. Vibrations of an ice-tongue using GPS records. EGU poster. Vienne, Autriche.
[6] Legresy, B., L. Lescarmontier, R. Coleman, N. Young, L. Testut. 2010. Tidal Rifting of the Mertz glacier tongue. EGU presentation. Vienne, Autriche.
[5]* Lescarmontier, L.,B. Legresy, R. Coleman, N. Young, F. Perosanz, G. Autret, L. Testut. 2009. Mertz glacier : Rifting, calving process and vibrations of an ice-tongue. ACE- symposium, Hobart, Tasmanie, Australie.
[4] Lescarmontier, L.,B. Legresy, R. Coleman, F. Perosanz, G. Autret and L. Testut. 2009. Precise GPS processing to investigate the Mertz glacier ice-tongue oscillations at sub daily scales. IGS symposium. Newcastle, UK.
[3] Legresy, B., L. Lescarmontier, R. Coleman, P. Lacroix, L. Testut, N. Young and F. Remy. 2008. Tides, Rifting and Calving of the Mertz Glacier. FRISP workshop, UK.
[2] Legresy, B., L. Lescarmontier, R. Coleman, P. Lacroix, L. Testut, N. Young and F. Remy. 2008. Tides, rif- ting and calving of the Mertz glacier. SCAR symposium. St Petersbourg, Russia.
[1]* Lescarmontier, L.. 2008. Analyse de données GPS en mouvement rapides en Antarctique : application á l’étude du glacier Mertz. Master 2 thesis UPS/ENM.